Ian Barber
I currently reside in Doncaster which lies approximately 200 miles north of London in the UK.
I have been learning the art and craft of photography for many years and the majority of my personal work and projects are in Black and White.

My Film Photography Process
For small format such as 35mm and Medium format, I use Ilford HP5 and FP4 black and white films. For 5×4 large format, I use FomaPan 200 and Ilford FP4 black and white sheet film.
I develop all my black and white film with traditional darkroom chemistry. Each successful negative is scanned using either an Epson V800 or Minolta DImage MultiScan Pro scanner.
Films And Chemistry I use
Kodak D23
Kodak HC-110
Diafine (2 Bath)
Pyrocat HD
Black & White Films
Ilford FP4 ( 120, 5×4)
Ilford HP5 (120, 35mm)
Fomapan 200 (5×4, 35mm)
Fuji Acros 100 ( 120)
Get In Touch
I am always happy to hear from visitors and if you need to get in touch then please do so.
Why Black & White
We see and live in a world of colour. That’s how we’ve evolved, and it’s the world that we know. Naturally, people seem to gravitate to colour photography.
Personally, I think black and white is timeless, but more than that, it transcends reality and transforms an image into a realm that isn’t abstraction, but isn’t reality either.

My Digital Photography Process
When using a digital camera, all exposures are made in RAW format. Each raw file is then imported into Adobe Lightroom which I use as my main cataloguing program.
Apart from the initial raw conversion, all post processing is performed with Adobe Photoshop.
Black and White Printing
I have dedicated years to learning the art of printing black and white photographs using Epson printers and a variety of fine art papers.
Colour Work
The majority of my personal photography projects revolve around black and white but on the odd occasion I do create colour photographs with my Nikon D3s digital SLR camera.
Photoshop Plugins
I create custom plugins which work with Adobe Photoshop to help others in their own editing workflow. These plugins are available on my Digital Black And White website